Monday, December 27, 2010

What we did today.

So today is our 7th wedding anniversary. Essie did not sleep well at all last night and kept us up most of the night. But she woke me up this morning with a big ole sloppy wet kiss right on the mouth so that made up for it! We started our day off by going to a local Christmas store and racking up on some decor for next year for 70% off. Then we ran a few errands and tried going to lunch. Lunch ended up being a complete, total disaster. Essie was too tired to sit still so she was jumping, screaming, throwing food. Once our food finally arrived our hamburgers were raw...we gave up and left. On the bright side the meal was free! We've spent the remainder of the day watching Sex and the City 2 (which is AWFUL!!!!!) and taking down Christmas decorations. Oh and of course watching Elmo! Here are a few pics from today...I love this outfit on Essie and her pigtails make me sooooo happy! Somebody is finally building a house across the street from us. We've been the only people on our street for 2 and half years and we are glad to finally have neighbors. But the trucks and machines make the dogs bark constantly! But they do facinate Essie...she loves to watch them...even though they scare her everynow and then!!!


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