Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas in Pine Bluff...

Saturday morning we loaded up and headed down south to Pine Bluff for our Christmas with Travis' family.

Sunday morning Travis' parents had their turn to light the advent candle at church so Essie and her cousins Nate and Kennedy went up their with them.  She didn't last long in church before she had to go to the nursery! She was WILD!!!
 After church Sunday we all loaded up and headed to Little Rock for lunch and to have family portraits made.  All the kids chipped in to get family portraits made for Trav's parents.  We went to a really pretty park to have them made and I think they'll turn out great! It was coooold though! Then after that we headed back to Pine Bluff for the church's Christmas program.  Both of Trav's parents are in the choir and we went to watch them perform.  It was a beautiful program and Essie was able to stay the whole time (even though she clapped and yelled "yay" after each song and hollered for Peepaw several times!) Then afterwards we got to exchange gifts.

Essie opened this doll up first and was soooo cute.  It cries and she would rock and bounce it to make it stop! She was just so excited about it! I cried watching her open gifts and get so excited.  Once she realized she was going to get more than one she kept saying "more" and doing the "more sign!

 Travis's sister Tanya got Essie this pink leather couch for her bedroom...how CUTE is it? It even opens up and has a ton of storage! She looooooooved it!

 We came home today and Essie was happy to be back home.  We gave her one of her gifts...I ordered this cardboard cottage online and had NO idea it would be soooo big.  I'm not sure what we are going to do with it now.  But Essie loves playing in it so we will have to find somewhere to put it! We are doing our family Christmas here tomorrow before we head out again so I will update tomorrow! We are excited to see her reaction and need to get busy putting some stuff together!

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