Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas in Batesville...

We got into Batesville Thursday night and pretty much took Essie to see Nana & Pa's decorations first thing!

They always go ALL out at Christmas! They had 4 trees indoors and their entire yard lit up!

Christmas Eve we all drove over to Heber Springs to spend some time with my dad's side of the family.  It's a tradition we've done for years and years.  Essie was still not feeling great..she is cutting all 4 of her canines right now.  She and her cousin Chloe did have some fun together!

 Our little family at my parent's house on Christmas Eve!!!
 Christmas morning Essie found this tricycle under the tree for her. I love this pic of her!
 And she found Elmo stickers in her stocking!
 She and cousin Haley had so much fun tearing into the TON of gifts they received!
 After gifts we had a yummy breakfast of biscuits and gravy...Essie was covered in gravy so a bath was needed!
 Then we bundled up in our new ELMO hat and mittens to go outside to look at the snow! It snowed lightly all day! It was so pretty!
 This hat makes me smile! I think she looks soooooo funny in it!

 One of Essie's gifts that we loved!
 She was plum worn out from all the excitement!
 These are out of order but on Thursday night we drove around Batesville looking at all the beautiful lights...they did an AMAZING job downtown and along the river! It was gorgeous this year!

We have had such an amazing Christmas with both sides of our family and feel so blessed to have such wonderful, giving, loving families to spend it with!!!

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