Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Professional Christmas Pics


  1. Boy, these pictures sure do express Essie's darling personality. How in the world do you pick them out or do you just buy the whole pkg-ha!! I like the one where she's yawning(??) and the one of her in the big red chair..sooo cute!

  2. Oh my gosh! Randi, these pictures are too cute!! My absolute favorite one is the big red chair... she is just priceless in that one!
    I love your blog, by the way... it's one of my frequent stops!
    Hope all is well... let me know if you're in town for the big game Friday night! I'd love to see you, Travis, and Miss Essie!
    Love, Andrea Baker

  3. Ohmygosh...cuteness overload!!! How are you ever going to choose!? I swear, Essie reminds me of a blonde version of my daughter! I'll have to send you a couple of pics...they even make the same faces!

    LOVE the red chair pic! You should totally get that blown up for your house! I love the one of her in the hat too and can't choose a favorite of her in the silver dress...I think they're all great! :)
