Sunday, October 10, 2010

tie dye sunday

Travis' parents came down this weekend so Essie had a blast with her grandparents.  She was all about putting on a show for them the whole time! We spent most of yesterday shopping around town...and Essie got lots of new things thanks to her meemaw and peepaw!

Today I dressed her in this super cute tie dye outfit I got for 2 dollars at's a Naartjie outfit! I thought she looked precious! And those piggie tails kill me! She looked so grown up!

We went to pick up my consignment check today and it wasn't ready so we went to the mall to blow a little time.  Essie saw the cookie place and so we let her pick out one of theri little cookies....

And this evening we went for a walk around the neighborhood...I injured my foot a few weeks ago when I jumped off the playground equipment at my dad's company picnic.  It's been hurting off and on here lately.  Well during our walk it really started hurting and by the end of it I could barely walk on it looks like I will be going to the doctor tomorrow at some point to get it looked at so I can continue on my exercise routine!

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