Saturday, September 25, 2010

Friday Night Football and Future Fuel Picnic 2010

We are in Batesville visiting my parents this weekend.  We went to the Pioneer football game last night...they were playing my school (Nettleton) so we went to watch but we had  to cheer on our hometown Pioneers! Essie had a blast and even saw Mrs. Deena there!

She was WILD and ran all around the entire time.  She was so overly tired last night that she didn't sleep at all...she screamed the entire time!!! So we all took a long nap today so we could rest up for the future fuel picnic.  We've gone the last few was Essie last year when it was hot as blazes..

and this year it was so much cooler and Essie was able to do so much more...she of course ran all over again and climbed everything!

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