Sunday, August 29, 2010

sunday funday!

Again this morning Essie got us up extra early so we decided to take advantage and head to the park.  It's been awhile since we've been there since it's been so dang hot outside.  When we pulled up and she saw where we were she shreiked and screamed and laughed and clapped.  Once we got her out of the car she took off and didn't stop until we had to pry her away kicking and screaming! She had a BLAST and was all over the place!

After the park we headed to Walmart for a few groceries and once we got home E took a nap while we cleaned up some.  Once E got up from her nap we decided to go cruise the mall and let E play in the playland.  Once again she went NUTS for it and was sooooo excited! I also found this great little closet organizer in the dollar section that I'm going to use to put her clothes in for the week.  I am so in love with it!

Then we came home and I cooked for like 2 hours straight.  I made poppyseed chicken, okra and tomatoes, and peach delight for dessert.  I am updating the recipe blog with a bunch of new recipes so hop over there to check them out!!!


  1. how fun! And, yes, I'm on my way to the food blog. yea! I am so loving your hair. Just adorable!

  2. Hi there- I've been enjoying your blog for a while now because my son Owen is almost the some age as your daughter. (He is 14 months.) And I'm an elementary teacher. I read your post today and realized we had a very similar day! He went to the park with his dad, napped while we cleaned up, we all went to the mall for a bit (where he got to try out the play area as well) and then I cooked up a big batch of meatballs (1/2 to freeze and 1/2 to use this week) The big difference is that I see you enjoy cooking. I don't. So the meatballs were a big accomplishment! ha! Your daughter is so cute. Have a great week. Peggy
