Wednesday, August 25, 2010

burned butternut and consignment finds!

Tonight was Rhea Lana's preview night..I had a pass so I went.  I've never really found much at Rhea Lana but thought maybe I'd have better luck by going during the preview night.  I managed to score several great finds.  In all I got E.C SIX pair of pajamas as well as several other cutie patootie things.

This was the most expensive item I bought but it's sooo worth it! 8 bucks for these super duper cute overalls!

And what a lucky score that I found a red dress with an E already on it for 5 buckeroos!

I'm going to have some monogramming done on this one to jazz it up but thought it was a cute Christmas dress!!

And here are a few other things I bought! Most of these were 4 dollars!

And I just had to post this pic...I was cleaning Essie's room this evening and forgot all about the butternut squash I had roasting in the oven! can imagine the lovely smell in my house!

And I thought Essie was toooo funny after her bath tonight!!! She was not happy!

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