Friday, July 23, 2010

fab friday

This morning I had a meeting with the other first grade teachers to start getting things ready for school to start.  It was nice seeing the ladies I work with and catching up! We had our first grade lunch at Coltons and afterwards Trav and Ess came up to my room to help. There were several other babies there and we pretty much had a baby reunion! It was precious!  After that we ran to a local teacher supply store and Target so I could pick up some stuff for my classroom! I also picked up some of those crayola beginners in hopes to keep Ess entertained at times....and this is what we got...
The markers were a BAD IdEA ....she kept putting them in her mouth and throwing them across the room.

But she did like the fingerpainting better...I'm going to frame this and put it in my classroom I think! Her first artwork!

And just for fun...a video of her walking...she's really gotten alot quicker lately.  She was waddling around like a lil old lady for the longest and now she can realllly book it!

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