Thursday, June 17, 2010


Essie's birthday/smash cake pics are on Monday and I am planning on making her smash cake.  I am NOT a cake decorator...I have never claimed to be and I am very content in knowing that I am skilled in other areas other than this.  But I wanted to make her cake for her pics...just for sentimental reasons.  So I thought it'd be best to practice tonight just so I can see what I'm up against.  This is the final product...

Not great but okay.  I think I have some ideas of how to make it better for Monday.  We also wanted to "practice" her smash cake to see what she's going to do. 

It was just tooo funny.  She kept looking at us and saying "ME?" "ME?"  and pointing to the cake.  We urged her to touch it. 

So with one finger she daintily (is that even a word?) got a dab of icing.  But as soon as she tasted it she went back for more.  We didn't let her get too much into it so it doesn't ruin the fun for her pics!
And in totally unrelated news...we found this little tiny kitchen at target on clearance awhile back and had planned to give it to her for her bday but she's soooo bored with her toys right now so we gave it to her now.  Besides...daddy is making her real play kitchen anyway.  She does love it and plays with it for quite a bit of time each day.

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