Sunday, June 20, 2010

playing catch up!

Essie is SOOOO into everything right now that we put her in the "cage" to play so we could try and get some done.....AND......she hated it....

Friday night Travis and I stayed up til 2 am getting stuff ready for a yard sale.  It was an impromptu yard sale and we just decided to go for it.  So we got up earrrlllly saturday and started the fun (note sarcasm).  It was HOT and WINDY but Essie had a blast! She and I ran to get donuts for breakfast...and she was pumped to get to eat in her highchair in the garage. 

Then she walked up and down and up and down and up and down the driveway with her little push toy.  Her squeaker shoes just a squeakin the whole time!

We made a little bit (we were hoping to earn enough to buy some of her birthday pictures) so we'll see how that goes.  Then my parents came over to spend the night and help us with some birthday prep!

We went to the mall and Essie talked her pa into letting her ride this BIG GREEN TRACTOR....

and that night she got to wear her new silky nightgown (oh my she's a toddler now!) and my mom put sponge rollers in her hair! I kept laughing at how she looked like a little old lady! 

I will post pics of our father's day later!

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