Thursday, June 3, 2010

47 Weeks..

Essie was 47 Weeks old yesterday! I cannot believe I've put her in her white chair and taken these pics 47 times!  She's getting to be such a big girl and is soooo smart.   She picks up new words all the time and is using them like crazy.  She also is associating items with their purpose now (putting shoes on her feet, using the brush on her hair, putting a hat on her head, etc.)
She is also all about being "miss independent" these days.  She wants to feed herself, rock herself, crawl around by herself, and cruise around the furniture.  She's really getting confident in her cruising and will walk if she hold onto our hand.  She used to want both of her hands held but now she's fine with just one!  She's gonna be walking soon!

She is also the BEST momma to her baby!  Everytime she sees that baby she says "BAAYYYBEEE!" and light up and hugs and kisses it.  Tonight she patted it on the head for the longest time!

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