Monday, January 25, 2010

sick lil one...

We have been very lucky in that Essie has not really been sick so far...we've had a red square incident and a stomach bug but that's it as far as sickness really! She's had a runny nose for about a week but we just though that was due to the teething. Last night she coughed all night and was up every 3 hours and this morning her nose was runny with green junk so I decided it was time to get it checked out. I went on to work and took her to daycare....but I left at lunch to pick her up and take her to the doctor. He said she looked really good and agreed it was just a runny nose/teething.

Even though she didnt' feel great she sure looked cute today!

I L-O-V-E these shoes...I got them awhile ago on 70% off and they just now fit her....

After we got home Essie had a Paci-Palooza! I wanted to see if she had changed her mind about the different pacis yet! She was tooooo funny with this...

I poured a whole bunch in her lap and just let her go at it...I buried her green paci at the bottom. She picked each one up and investigated it...turned it over and looked at each side...

Just look at those eyebrows.

And she would put it in her mouth and spit it out...

She even began to throw the rejects to the side! :)

In the end she chose her old green paci of course!

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